Washington, D.C.’s most inquisitive turned up in droves for the October installment of Perfect Liars Club, finding shelter, warmth, and amusement in the hallowed, neon-lit halls of the Bier Baron Tavern. In return, they were treated to one of the most pyrotechnic Perfect Liars Clubs ever. Full stop. Period.

  • Did David’s post-breakup "coping mechanism" ultimately put him in a very compromising position?
  • Did Sarah’s Peace Corps adventures in Tanzania include a brush with the law?
  • Did Erika’s competitive nature get the best of her on a cruise for matchmakers?
  • And did Matt’s love of Magic the Gathering conjure up a relationship with a married woman?

The sold out audience grilled our storytellers like hot dogs on the Fourth of July, demanding not one but two demonstrations. Having referenced her acrobatic talents earlier in the evening, Erika was asked to perform an onstage split, while David was asked to reenact a more awkward than usual prostate exam. A curious interrogator badgered Sarah about the inner-workings of the Tanzanian legal system. And Matt’s claim that some women find Magic the Gathering sexy was deemed highly suspect by most, if not all, in the audience. 

The questions came fast and furious. And as the votes were tabulated, David and Erika's stories were deemed the most questionable. And yet, when the audience-generated drumroll reached its climax and the night’s Perfect Liar stepped forward, all who had gathered were shocked to discover that Matt had worked a little storytelling magic of his ow.