Displaying all appearances of having benefitted from a long winter’s nap and sporting the rosy glow of optimism that accompanies the arrival of a new year, the inquisitive masses made their way to Dupont Circle’s Bier Baron Tavern for the January 2017 edition of Perfect Liars Club. And thanks to record breaking last-minute ticket sales and a strong walk-up crowd, it wasn’t long before the site of everyone’s favorite monthly storytelling interrogation show was abuzz with anticipation. As the Perfect Liars Club theme played out over the now hushed crowd and the night’s host, Cara, took the stage, everyone in attendance — both veterans and first-timers alike — realized that they were about to be part of something very, very special.

The night’s four storytellers offered up a wide-array of detail rich subject matter for consideration:

  • Did Rachel have a drunken run-in with an Olympic legend and one of Baltimore’s favorite sons during a late-night ice cream run to Royal Farms?
  • Did Pam discover that the man she had met online was actually an estranged relative after recognizing an old family photo in his apartment?
  • Did Morgan’s attempt to impress his favorite teacher go awry when a case of tummy troubles resulted his “early release” during a writing exam?
  • Were Max’s “Good Samaritan” tendencies put to the test when he attempted to return a lost phone to a woman who may or may not have been a prostitute?

Each story seemed more preposterous than the last and when the time came for the audience to interrogate the night’s performers, it appeared that everyone in the room had a question to ask:

  • Max was asked to speculate why the rightful owner of the lost phone would, in light of her profession, leave it phone unlocked?
  • What type of shoes was Morgan wearing at the time of his “incident,” and were they thrown out afterwards?
  • Could Rachel demonstrate the manner in which she slugged the Olympian after his unabashed use of the “C” word next to her in the checkout line?
  • Why didn’t Pam’s recollection of the days surrounding her ill-fated date and "family reunion" jibe with the actual 2009 calendar?

As the clock ticked past 9:00 p.m. and the interrogation came to a close, it was apparent from the crowd’s deafening groan that its thirst for answers had yet to be quenched. In the end, it came down to a three-way race between Pam, Morgan, and Rachel, with Pam edging out her nearest competitor by a mere four audience votes.

Had they gotten it right? Had the audience spotted the liar for the first time since our May 2016 show? 

As the sound of the drumroll filled the Bier Baron Tavern to its rafters and the night’s liar stepped forward, the rabid crowd breathed a collective sigh of relief before erupting into a mighty cheer. 

Pam stood before them crestfallen, a liar spotted. Perhaps this year will be different, after all.